Privacy Policy |
- We, at NetCooks.com, want to assure the visitors to our site that the information you give us is safely kept. We realize that you may have concerns about the information you provide and what is being done with that information.

- At NetCooks.com, we do not require personal information before submitting a recipe, other than your online name, general location, and valid e-mail address.
- No registration is required to post or view the recipes submitted to our site.
- Our Message Board does not require that you register to view or post messages or responses. However, by registering on the board, it allows you to enjoy more of the features the board has to offer.
- We do not disclose any information submitted, including e-mail addresses, to any outside website, company, or organization.
- NetCooks.com reserves the right to change our privacy policy at any time. All changes will be posted here to keep you aware of our current policies.
- If you have any questions regarding your recipe submittal, privacy concerns about the information submitted to us, or any general questions about our site.....e-mail us at info@netcooks.com.
- If you have suggestions or comments about our website, we would like to hear from you at comments@netcooks.com.
Recipes are Cooking at NetCooks