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Pechu Kimchee
Spicey Korean Appetizer
3 heads Chinese cabbages (22 1/4 lbs, 10kg) {14 oz(400g) salt (4% weight of cabbage)}
21 oz (600g) radish {1/5 oz (6g) salt (1% weight of radish)}

1 1/3 cups of water
2 T flour
2 T salted opossum shrimp
2 T anchovy sauce

2 bnches chives (1 3/4 oz, 50g), cut into 1 1/2 in (4cm) length
7 oz (200g) finely chopped green onion
5 1/4 oz (150g) ground chili pepper
3 1/2 oz (100g) sugar
1 3/4 oz (50g) grated ginger root
2 T crushed garlic


1. Discard dead leaves. Cut in half.

2. Make a slit at root end, pull apart each half. If using small Chinese cabbage, cut in half.

3. Sprinkle salt between leaves, heavily over root side.

4. In a large container, place (3), top with a light weight and let stand a whole day and night (in summertime, overnight), turing over several times for even salting. Rinse in water; drain and set aside 30 minutes. Peel radish, shred and sprinkle with salt; squeeze out water gently.

5. Prepare marinade. In a small pan heat A ingredients to boiling, constantly stirring.

6. Reduce heat to medium. Continue to cook stirring constantly to prevent burning. When forming a paste, remove from heat; cool. When completely cooled, add B and radish, mix.

7. Between leaves, spread marinade paste. Grease your hand with sesame oil to prevent irritation caused by the chili pepper.

8. Folding each section in two, pack in rectangular container. Cover with plastic wrap, keep in cold and dark place. Moisture comes out in 2-3 days, but do not take out at this point. Leave a further 4-5 days at least. Take out necessary amount, press down remainder to remove air.

* Facts about Kimchee

Kimchee, this moist Korean pickle is now tempting the world's appetite with its subtle heat and sourness.

In ancient time and still now Korean winters are long and severe. The harsh conditions forced people to preserve vegetables for this season. The word Kimchee in Korean means sunken vegetable, Chinese cabbages and radishes were sunk into salted water and seasonings added, such as chili pepper, and later the special flavor of salted fish. Thus Kimchee became the most gorgeous and colorful of all pickles.

Kimchee can be called fermented vegetables, since many kinds of bacterial reactions contribute to build its flavor. Most important is lactic acid which aids degestion.

The pungent action of the chili peppers, capsaicin stimulates the mucous membrances of the stomach. Organic acids control stomach secretions and fermentation produces vitamins B1, B2, B12, and nicotinic acid amides, etc. Moreover, the vegetable fibers also activate bowel movement, solving constipation.

Kimchee is always on the Korean dining table no matter how poor the meal is. It goes well with white rice, and is a good appetizer for drinks. It gives special flavor to stews and sauteed vegetables. Try it on noodles, rice, or make your own variations.

Just prior to winter, in November the Koreans take a Kimchee Holiday. Neighbors customarily cooperate in each other's yards for the preparation of Kimchee.

Preparation Time: Serves: 4
Recipe Origin: Korea
Submitted by:
Benjaman Song

This recipe has been viewed 18911 times.


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