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Soy Sirlion
Beef Sirloin with the Flavor of the East
1 lb. beef sirloin
2 cups soy sauce
1/2 Tbls. ginger
1 Tbls. sugar
1 leek
1/2 cup water


Combine the soy sauce, ginger, and sugar into large mmixing bowl. Make sure the sugar has dissintigrated, then soak the sirlion in the marinade for a good 5-6 hours. You may put it in the fridge at this time.

When the time is up take a take a standard size glass pan (or whatever you use for meats) and add the water into it. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.

Take the sirloin and place it in the pan with water and make three to five large slits about a quarter of the way down.

Slice the leak into about 1cm cuts and place them into the sirloin slits. Just don't set them there, pack them in! Any left over you can put around the meat into the water.

Place the meat into the preheated oven. Depending on how well done you like your meat it could be in there for 2-2 1/2 hours.

This recipe is for a 1-1 1/2 lb. of sirloin, you may add or decrease ingredients to your liking.

Preparation Time: Vary Serves: 3-4
Recipe Origin: United States
Submitted by:
Amie Murray

United States
This recipe has been viewed 5319 times.


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