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Houskove Knedliky (Bun Dumplings)
Czechian Bun Dumplings
1 lb. farina (flour)
2 cups lukewarm water
1 scant cup milk
2-3 eggs
1 Tbls. salt
5 large (old) buns, horns or white bread


First, cut the old buns, horns, or white bread into small croutons. If fresh, toast or frie so they are crisp. Select the best farina (flour) you can get. Mix water, milk, eggs, and salt and keep adding farina (flour) until dough is smooth and makes bubbles and doesn't stick to the bowl. Mix in croutons. Divide into 4 parts, form uplong ball dumplings. Let set for about 30 minutes. Place into salty boiling water and cook for about 25 minutes. Cut with string.

Serve these with Veprove, Knedlik a Zeli (Roasted Pork, dumpling, and Cabbage) recipe found in the Pork and Lamb Category.

Click on Eleanor's Kitchen for more great Czechian Recipes!

Preparation Time: Serves:
Recipe Origin: Czech Republic
Submitted by:
Eleanor Schrabal

Czech Republic
This recipe has been viewed 8431 times.


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