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Scrummy Cake!...An Australian Culinary Heirloom!
1 sponge cake (28cmx19cm approx.)
Desiccated coconut
2 1/2 cups icing sugar(powdered sugar)
1/3 cup cocoa powder
1/2 cup boiling water
a few drops of vanilla essence


Step 1: Cut sponge into 3 strips lengthwise. Next, cut each strip into 8-10 even pieces.(see below for recipe)

Step 2: Scatter a thick bed of coconut on greaseproof paper. Sift icing sugar and cocoa into a heatproof bowl, add water and vanilla and stir over hot water until smooth. The icing should be
thin- add a little more boiling water if nescessary and keep the bowl over hot water while working. Spear each piece of cake onto a fork and dip into the icing. Hold over the bowl a moment to allow the icing to set slightly, then roll in cocount, using paper to help. Place on rack to dry. Makes 24-30

Basic Sponge
4 eggs
1/2 cup castor sugar (refined sugar)
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
1 cup plain flour
60g butter, melted and cooled

Step 1: Put eggs, sugar and vanilla in a large heatproof bowl, place over a pan of water over a very gentle heat and whisk until pale lemon coloured, thick and doubled in bulk. This will take about 7mins. Remove bowl from heat and beat a further 3-4 mins, or until cooled and thick, or use an electric mixer until very thick and pale.

Step 2: Fold in sifted flour then add melted butter, folding and shaking in gently. Mix lightly and rapidly. Turn the mixture into the prepared lamington tin and bake in a preheated moderate 180c oven for 20-30mins or until cooked. To test, gently press centre with finger - if cake springs back it is cooked. If impression remains leave cake for a further 5 mins and test again. Cool on a wire rack.

Preparation Time: Serves:
Recipe Origin: Australia
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