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Toffee Apples
Children's Sticky Treat!
9 small ripe apples
4 cups sugar
1 cup water
1/3 cup glucose syrup
Red food colouring


Rinse apples and allow to dry naturally.

Push a thick wooden skewer about three quarters of the way into each apple at the stem end.(You may find these skewers at your butcher's.)

Put sugar, water, glucose and food colouring in a heavy saucepan and stir over medium heat until sugar is dissolved.
Boil uncovered, without further stirring, about 20 minutes until mixture reaches hard crack stage (155 C. on sugar thermometer) or when a teaspoon of the mixture sets hard if dropped in a cup of cold water.

Place pan of syrup in a baking dish of warm water for a minute or so until all bubbles disappear.
Remove syrup pan from baking dish.

Tip pan and roll each apple slowly in the toffee until well-covered. Rotate apple to allow toffee to settle before placing on a greased oven tray.

When set, wrap each sticky toffee apple in plastic wrap.

These are great for school fetes etc.

Preparation Time: 30 minutes+ Serves: 9
Recipe Origin: United Kingdom
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