Holiday Cut Outs Velvety Textured Cookies |
4 sticks soft butter 4 beaten eggs 1 pound powerded sugar 2 Tbls. can milk 1 tsp. soda 6 to 10 cups flour Using a mixer blend buter, add eggs, milk, sugar and soda, until creamy, add 6 cups flour, mix well, remove mixer. Turn dough onto heavily floured surface and knead in more flour until you have a soft dough you can roll out. Divide into 4large balls, roll ball out on lightly floured surface until 1/2 thick, cut with cookie cutter, place on cookie sheet, bake 300 degrees for a few min. just until light gold on bottom, cool, ice with butter cream icying.Note dough can be colored with few drops food coloring.Use same recipe with diffrent cutters for any holiday.Use only butter, margrine cookies will be crisp not soft.
Butter Cream Icying 3 sticks butter, 3/4 cups can milk, 3 t. vanilla, 9 cups powdered sugar.With mixer, cream butter, add milk and vanilla,mix, add sugar, beat on high until well blended, add more sugar if needed to make thick icying. Color if desired with food coloring, or top with sprinkles. This is a great recipe for school parties, or holiday gift giving.
Using a mixer blend butter, add eggs, milk, sugar, and soda, until creamy.
Add 6 cups flour, mix well, remove mixer. Turn dough onto heavily floured surface and knead in more flour until you have a soft dough you can roll out.
Divide into 4 large balls, roll ball out on lightly floured surface until 1/2 thick, cut with cookie cutter, place on cookie sheet, bake 300 degrees F. for a few minutes, just until light gold on bottom. Cool.
Ice with butter cream icing.
Note: Dough can be colored with a few drops of food coloring. Use same recipe with different cutters for any holiday.
Use only butter, margarine cookies will be crisp not soft.
Butter Cream Icing- 3 sticks butter 3/4 cups can milk 3 tsp. vanilla 9 cups powdered sugar
With mixer, cream butter, add milk and vanilla and mix. Add sugar, beat on high until well blended. Add more sugar if needed to make thicker icing.
Color if desired with food coloring, or top with sprinkles.
This is a great recipe for school parties or holiday gift giving.
Preparation Time: 10minutes |
Serves: 6 dozen |
Recipe Origin: United States |
Submitted by: |
Karen McDevitt Ohio United States |
This recipe has been viewed 6938 times. |