Vanilla Lobsters Salad
2 Lobsters 1/4 lb. Mixed salad leaves 3 Tbls. Vanilla Olive Oil 1 Tbls. Vanilla Balsamic Vinegar 1 tsp. Vanilla Sugar 1/2 tsp. Salt
Cut lobsters in half. Lay them on steamer basket. Cover and lower the heat. Steam for 8 to 10 minutes.
When cooked, transfer lobsters on a paper towel. Remove and slice lobster meat.
Place them on a bed of mixed salad leaves.
Mix salt, Vanilla Sugar and Vanilla Balsamic Vinegar around the lobsters meat. Garnish with parsley.
Refrigerate until ready to serve.
Other recipes can be found at www.thevanillashop.com.
Preparation Time: 20 minutes |
Serves: 2 |
Recipe Origin: United States |
Submitted by: |
TheVanillaShop Delaware United States |
This recipe has been viewed 4222 times. |