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Cilantro Stir Fry Risotto
250g Smoked Bacon
150 g Butter
1 cup olive oil
100 grams parmensan
soya sauce
small bunch or cilantro (corriander)
large handful of sugar snap beans
1 small zuchinni
1 large red onion
medium bunch of radishes
200 g mushrooms
small punnet of cherry tomatoes
1 yellow pepper
300g rissoto rice
1 litre of boiling vegtable stock
1 large glass of sweet white wine


This is almost a basic risotto recipe that ideally uses up all the left over vegetables in the fridge.

First preheat your oven to 210 degrees C.

Finely chop your onion and radishes, or blend in the processor, then fry on a low/medium heat in a generous even mixture of olive oil and butter. Simmer for 10 minutes. This is called a sofritto.

Meanwhile make your 1 litre of vegetable stock using a stock cube, or pre-prepared vegetable stock if you have it.

Chop your zuchini, pepper, bacon, tomatoes, spring onions, and add your sugar snap beans and hot fry in a wok with olive oil and cilantro for a few minutes, then add garlic and soy sauce after the juices start to run and fry for another few minutes.

Transfer all of the ingredients to a baking tray and roast for 30-40 minutes, turning once.

When the sofritto is ready add the rice, fry for 1 minute then add the wine. After the wine is absorbed into the rice reduce the heat.

Then add the stock gradually and stir frequently till the rice is nice and soft gooey but just a little chewey.
This will take about 30-40 minutes.

After 20 minutes, check your oven and maybe drizzle a little olive oil if it looks dry.

When everything is nearly done add half the ingredients from the oven and stir into the rice.

Then take off the heat, add a big knob of butter, half the parmesan, half the remaining cilantro and stir and cover. Let it sit for 2 minutes.

Serve in a very big bowl and cover with the rest of the vegtables, garnish with parmesan shavings and cilantro.

Preparation Time: 1 hour Serves: 4
Recipe Origin: United Kingdom
Submitted by:
Cyrus Gabrysch

United Kingdom
This recipe has been viewed 4051 times.


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