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Bebamieh Bi Zayt (Okra in Oil)
Nice to Eat Hot or Cold -I like it cold!
3 cups tender young okra (bamieh)
10 tiny white onions
3 medium sized tomatoes
1/2 cup lemon juice
1 tsp. dried kizbara, OR 1/2 cup chopped green kizbara(coriander)
8 cloves garlic
1/2 cup cold water
1/2 tsp. sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper


A colorful okra dish flavored with garlic and coriander, (called kizbara), it is traditionally served cold to start a meal. Crush garlic with salt. Add kizbara and crush all well together. Cut hard top stems from okra. Wash well and dry with clean towel, or in the sun. Fry in deep, hot olive oil until tender but still green. Fry onions in same oil until yellow. Pour off most of the oil and fry the garlic-kizbara mixture. Place rack in pressure cooker. Put in a layer of sliced tomatoes and cover neatly with okra. Make a depression in the center of the okra and fill it with the onions. Sprinkle with lemon juice and the garlic-kizbara salt. Cook under pressure for 12 minutes. Reduce pressure. Simmer uncovered until most of the liquid is absorbed. Season to taste. Turn out onto a round serving dish. Chill.

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Preparation Time: Serves: 4
Recipe Origin: Lebanon
Submitted by:

United Kingdom
This recipe has been viewed 5540 times.


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